What happens during a wedding ceremony?

bride and groom at wedding by swimming pool releasing white balloons while guests release red balloons

Are you planning your nuptials and wondering what your wedding ceremony will look like? Have you been to heaps of weddings, but always tuned out during the ceremony? Maybe it’s been a long time since you were last a guest at someone’s wedding? Or perhaps you will be popping your wedding cherry when you tie the knot to your soulmate?

Whichever applies to you, I’m here to give you a run down on what a ‘typical’ wedding ceremony looks like!

Now this is just a guide. I don’t believe in ‘cookie cutter’ weddings. We can tailor your ceremony to suit you as a couple and to deliver an experience that feels authentic to you both.
— Victoria Standring, The Wednesday Wedding Celebrant


This is where I address the guests and let them know of any particular requests you may have, such as an ‘unplugged’ ceremony, timing of social media posts, etc.


Traditionally, this is where one partner enters following their wedding party, however, your wedding can be different! You can enter solo, together; you may have no wedding party; you may choose to enter on elephants (definitely clear this with your venue first!) You decide what you prefer!


Here, I will welcome your guests and introduce myself as your Authorised Marriage Celebrant. You may choose for me to add in additional mentions here, for example,

“I’d like to welcome everyone here today, in particular our special guests, Jo and Leslie who have travelled all the way from the USA to be here to celebrate with our couple”


Giving Away

This is where I ask who is giving you away. If one or both of your parents are giving you away, this is their chance to share how proud they are of you! If you don’t wish to be given away, that’s absolutely your right to exercise!

You may wish for someone else to give you away, a dear friend, another family member, even one of your children. At my recent wedding, my boys gave me away, which was a beautiful moment for us to share together.

Photo Credit- Ayzia Jade Photography


OOOH, MY FAVOURITE PART!! This is where I get to share your love story!!

Apart from your vows, this is the most personal, heartfelt, awesome, magical, emotional, funny and epic part of your ceremony.

Taking the answers from your Couples Questionnaire (I send you the link for this once you’ve locked in your date with me), I craft you a unique story which will have your guests talking for years to come!

So many traditional wedding ceremonies are generic in their approach here, but I make sure that yours is all about you and your lover and that you are both the stars of your own show! After all- it’s YOUR day, so having a dull and uninspiring ceremony (and believe me, I’ve sat through more than I can to remember) should not be on the agenda!

It still shocks me how many couples accept a generic wedding ceremony simply because THEY DON’T KNOW IT CAN BE BETTER. And what’s more, it can be FUN.
— Victoria Standring - The Wednesday Wedding Celebrant

The Monitum

This part is mandatory and consists of the following wording.

“I am duly authorised by law to solemnize marriages according to law. Before you are joined in marriage in my presence and in the presence of these witnesses, I am to remind you of the solemn and binding nature of the relationship into which you are now about to enter. Marriage, according to law in Australia, is the union of two people to the

exclusion of all others, voluntarily entered into for life.”


The Asking

This is the part where you get to say, “I Do”!

This is not the same as the Legal Vows (see below), however this is a lovely part to include in your ceremony. Most couples are looking forward to saying “I Do’, and the wording is typically similar to this structure.

“xx, do you take xx to be your life partner, your best friend and lover, your sparring partner and confident?” or

“xx, do you take xx to be your companion for life, to share joy with through the best times and support through challenges that come your way, and always let you watch Masterchef on Monday nights?”

Legal Vows

This part is mandatory and can be said at the beginning or the end of your personal vows if you choose to include them. The legal vows are as follows,

“I call upon the persons here present to witness that I, xx, take thee, xx, to be my lawful wedded wife (or husband, or partner in marriage).”


Personal Vows

These can be written by yourselves or taken from an excerpt from a poem or reading. I will happily assist you with these, and the internet is a great resource for inspiration! If you have locked in your date with me, then you will be able to access my vow writing tips in the Locked-In Lovers area.


Ring Exchange

Most couples choose to exchange rings at their ceremony. However, it can be another token, it does not have to be a ring! Think outside the box! Another piece of jewellery, or maybe matching tattoos are more your style?

The Pronouncing

This is where we get to pronounce you as married! Yay, pop the champagne! You can choose how you wish to be referred to, either husband and wife, wife and wife, husband and husband, spouses or partners in marriage. This is also where you can enjoy your first kiss as a married couple! Please let me know if you prefer not to however, PDAs aren’t everyone’s cup of tea!

The Signing of The Register

This is where we go and sign the legal paperwork along with your two chosen witnesses. This can take place during the ceremony, or after the Recessional- it’s up to you.

Photo credit- Ayzia Jade Photography


I will say a short and sweet conclusion to the ceremony here and inform your guests of any instructions that they need to know while I’ve still got their attention! You may wish to go for photos before you are congratulated by your guests, so please let me know your preference.

Congratulations and Presentation

Woo hoo! The moment you’ve waited for! I introduce you to your guests as a married couple for the first time.


You lovers walk back down the aisle as a married couple- CUE THE CONFETTI! Choose a song that reflects you as a couple- it could be dreamy and romantic or energetic and upbeat- this song will dictate the vibe of your guests, so spend some time considering this track!

I also encourage you to have a plan of where to walk to once you get to the end of the aisle, particularly if your wedding is outside, as many couples get to the end of the aisle and look a little lost!

And they lived happily ever after……..

Victoria Standring

Hi! I’m Victoria, the Wednesday Wedding Celebrant!

“Why Wednesday?” you might ask. Because according to English folklore, Wednesday is ‘best of all’ as the day to marry your love! Of course- this doesn’t mean that I only perform my services on a Wednesday, it is more of a nod to encourage my couples to break tradition and choose a wedding ceremony that is unique and tailored to them in every way!


o Passionate- such a sucker for a love story

o Friendly- will make friends with everyone

o Organised- so you can relax

o Freaking hilarious- weddings should be fun too

o A hugger- come at me

o Lover not a fighter- but I will politely and discreetly rein any problem family members in if I must!

o A whizz with words- writing love stories is my jam

o Old enough to carry experience

o Young enough to be as excited as you are about your wedding #hypesquad

o Recently married, so understand ALL the feels

o Well groomed but not gonna steal focus from you in your wedding pics!

o Going to give you and your lover a ceremony that you will treasure and remember forever


o Boring- nobody is falling asleep during YOUR ceremony!

o Generic- let’s add some flare and mix things up

o Going to freeze like a deer in headlights if a curveball presents itself- no-one will know except for us!

o Afraid to break with tradition and make it the ceremony that raises the stakes and people still talk about for years to come

o Everyone’s cup of tea- and that’s ok!

Now let’s make your day the most beautiful you can imagine!


What to expect at your Wedding Rehearsal


Signed, Sealed, Delivered- I’m yours